I am a research fellow at University Ca’ Foscari of Venice (Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage). In 2017 I completed a European Phd in Arts, with a specialisation in Dance, at the University Côte d’Azur (France) and in Humanities at the University of Parma (Italy). My first book Architetture della memoria. L’eredità di Pina Bausch tra archivio e scena is going to be published in 2019 (Accademia University Press, Italy). My research and published writings deal with contemporary dance, epistemology and dramaturgy.

I collaborate on Ormete -Oralità, Memoria, Teatro, an expanded research project conjugating the methodology of oral history and performing arts history. Alongside my studies, I also work as a dance dramaturg and dance writer in Italy and abroad.

E-mail: gaiaclotilde@gmail.com